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The pneumatic mole allows conducting "without ditch", up to a distance of about 40m, being more precise the shorter the distance. The process consists of making an initial well and a final well, with the mole opening the canalization between the two wells, without the need to make any trench. It is an essential element for road crossings, access to homes without the impact of a ditch in the garden or farm, steps under rivers or ditches, etc.

The operation of the mole consists in that the head hits the ground and at the same time the mole moves forward, leaving behind a tunnel in the ground. There are some models that can work forwards and backwards, and it is advisable to avoid working backwards, as the mole loses part of its effectiveness. The energy is transmitted to the mole thanks to the constant supply of compressed air from a compressor, through a reinforced hose.

Diameters available: 50, 75, 97, 132, 160 and 232mm. Being the most advisable for the installation of microducts those of 50 and 75mm (the latter due to its greater impact force, and therefore greater performance).

Recommended additional accessories:

-Pneumatic pressure regulator. The mole must work at a pressure determined by the manufacturer, usually the compressors used on site for other tasks (mainly to feed blowing machines), usually have a higher nominal pressure than that recommended for the mole, which may damage the equipment.

-Pneumatic hoses. Available in different sizes and connectors.

-Oil lubricator. Equipment that injects lubricant into air under pressure to keep the mole in optimal lubrication conditions.


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